Legal and Compliance

  • Are your company details (legal name, address, VAT and company number) clearly displayed on the site and on your policy documents Pakk sites - Pakk takes care of it for you.

  • Privacy policy: Is it GDPR compliant? Does it have a statement to that effect? Does it specify what data is collected and why? Does it specify with whom data is shared? Does it specify how long data will be kept? Does it explain and link the Cookie Policy? Pakk sites - Pakk takes care of it for you.

  • Wherever information is collected from customers (e.g. registration forms), are you positively asking for their agreement to the privacy policy? Pakk sites - Pakk takes care of it for you.

  • Terms and conditions: Are they linked to prominently around the site? Pakk sites - Pakk takes care of it for you.

  • Before purchase: Are you positively requesting agreement to both terms and conditions and privacy policy? Pakk sites - Pakk takes care of it for you.

  • Cookie warning. Make sure it respects the 'Cookie Law' in the way it functions. Pay attention to 'essential' versus 'non-essential' cookies. Pakk sites - Pakk takes care of it for you.

  • Cancellation form: Do you have a simple form that customers can use to request cancellation of their order? Is it linked from the Terms and Conditions? Pakk sites - Pakk takes care of it for you.

Last updated