Merchandising and Content

  • Homepage: we recommend a single, highly visual, full-width hero image showcasing your most important product/feature/category with a link to it. No carousel, videos, animations etc. Pakk sites - homepage layout enforces a hero image. Configure in site layout setup.

  • Homepage: pick out 5-6 features, products, categories, blog sections etc that you'd like to showcase and set up simple blocks of content that briefly summarise them, provide eye candy and a link. Pakk sites - use homepage blocks to create your homepage layout.

  • Homepage: display your USP points somewhere prominent. Pakk sites - USP bar is displayed towards the top of the homepage.

  • Systematise repeated content blocks. Most sites will have little bits of content that are repeated in different 'slots' around the site (on product pages, category pages etc). Use your platforms 'widgets' or 'snippets' type functionality to create these blocks in one place and use them to call out important sections, products, offers throughout the site. Pakk sites - use 'Feature Blocks' to create content blocks and place them around the site.

  • Create 'related item' recommendations on each product page. If you can customise the text that goes before these recommendations, avoid the usual "Customers also bought" and try something more eye-catching like "Customers who bought black trousers also bought these black leather belts". Pakk sites - use 'related' type categories to group together related items.

  • Group together products that are essentially different versions of the same thing as 'variants' - e.g. sizes, colours, quantities. Pakk sites - use 'variant' type categories.

  • Provide a 'New Products' category so repeat customers can identify new products. Pakk sites - the 'new' category is autogenerated and a link placed in the main product navigation menu. Set up the 'days new' parameter to control what appears on that page.

  • Provide an 'On Sale' category so customers looking for bargains quickly know where to go. Keep it up to date. Pakk sites - the 'sale' category is autogenerated and a link placed in the main product navigation menu if you have any products with discounts applied.

Last updated