Have you negotiated rates with your chosen credit card provider (if you have existing volume)? Have these been applied to your account?
Have you integrated at least one credit/debit card processor, PayPal, then any industry specific payment processors you need. Pakk sites - Stripe, PayPal, Paytriot and Viva Wallet are built in and mostly only require you to enter your account ID and enable. You might also need to set up webhook notifications.
Have you tested your integration well? Have you tried both payment success and failure scenarios to see how your system handles them? Does the information flow through to your customer service team. Pakk sites - for our built-in payment processors we record detailed transaction meta-data which can be inspected in the admin panel.
Have you considered fraud? What tools do your payment processors provide for detecting fraud? Are you using them? What are you going to do internally to minimise fraud? Pakk sites - use colour codes or 'stages' to mark orders that need to be reviewed.
Do you understand the post-payment flow? How often is money paid to you? To which account? How is it batched up? How can you reconcile it?
Do you also want to offer 'offline' payment methods such as 'bank transfer'? If you set them up, make sure you provide the information the customer needs to make the payment. Pakk sites - create and customise as many manual payment methods as you need.
Last updated